Friday, July 26, 2013

Here's why I think you're awesome.

I think everyone is awesome. 

I don't think everyone is perfect,

but I do think everyone is awesome. 

Everyone is awesome because there is not a single person out there that is exactly like the next. 

Each individual you pass and interact with is a complete walking novel with humor, tragedy, plot twists, excitement and solemness. 

I bet you could stop any person on the street, write down their story and have a New York Times best seller. Every single one. 

Because every person has a completely different life than yours, and that is exciting and intriguing and wonderful. 

The world is a library of human tales, being written and archived every moment, every day. 

Not everyone makes good decisions, or is really nice all the time. Not everyone is our best friend.

But everyone is awesome. 

Everyone is the lead character in a completely unique story that you couldn't make up in a million years. 

And I bet the story of all those around us is a page turner. 

You are awesome. 

You get to be the protagonist of your very own real life story, you get to choose how it ends.

You don't get to choose, necessarily, what difficulties or plot twists may come your way. 

But how the hero of the story (that's you) reacts and conquers those obstacles is completely up to you.

You are awesome because you have an awesome story, and everyone around you is awesome because their story is nothing like yours,

and yours is nothing like theirs. 

Be happy to be you. Because you are awesome. 

The earth population is a living library.

And you should never judge a book by its cover.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


The phrase "the human experience" has been stuck in my head the past couple weeks (I get words and phrases stuck in my head, just like songs). I've been considering the beauty, joy and happiness that is intertwined with stress, heartache and sorrow of this life. There are things that you can almost always count on bringing tears to my eyes. They include, but certainly are not limited to: curtain call of a really good musical or play, the sound of children's voices singing, witnessing someone overcome struggle, army families being reunited, little kids celebrating after winning a sporting event, great speeches, fireworks. These all evoke great emotion in me, and make me grateful for the human experience.

Call me a sap, but yes, even fireworks. You all know the moment. We've all been there before.

Sitting in a fold up chair under a blanket, laying flat on your back next to friends or family, or pulling your knees up to your chest sitting on the curb in front of your house. We wait in anticipation staring up at the dark summer sky. Then comes the tiny streak of light racing upward, and suddenly the night sky is lit up with pops of red, yellow, green, purple, bright white. They rise and fall, crackle and burn, they burst and they fade, one right after the other.
And magically for those 5, 10, 15 minutes-- it's like the world pauses. Each person watching has the same reflection on their eyes as everyone else. We all smile, ooh and aah in subconscious unison. It's like suddenly everyone in that park, baseball field or parking lot are friends, all there together to watch the sky light up. For the duration of that firework display, there is peace. There is optimism and there is unity. Whatever sorrow, contention or stress that had been felt prior, is temporarily or entirely forgotten under the glow of fireworks.

And in that moment, yes, I get teary eyed. Overwhelmed for a moment over the beauty and excitement and total trip of the human experience. That we're here, living lives, experiencing super awesome things. Life isn't always a firework show, but everyday can be a wonder and a marvel, if you watch for it. And aren't we a bunch of lucky ducks to get to witness it? Goodnight, my friends. Be kind to one another.