Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Hummingbird

I was laying on my grandma's ultra comfy leather couch the other day, staring out the window. There is a humming bird feeder hanging there on the awning, and I was pleased when one of the funny little birds came for a drink of the sugar water. As I was watching the tiny little bird enjoy a drink, a huge robin, probably 4 times the size of the hummingbird, barreled down onto the feeder, scaring away the hummingbird I was contently observing. The Robin was clearly confused; mistaking the hummingbird feeder full of sugar water for an all birds in general feeder, which I'm sure he was hoping was full of sunflower seeds and other nuts. He was brutish in his approach, appearing to me a bully of sorts over the petite hummingbird. The Robin almost had an air of jealousy, scaring away the other tiny bird to have the food that was being enjoyed by another. It made me wonder: how often are we like the Robin? Jealous or sneering at someone who seems to have what we want, or a better life in general. I wouldn't call myself a spiteful, jealous or covetous person, but we all have the Facebook friend or person we're following on Instagram who somehow has an endless amount of posts and pictures about themselves and their beautiful spouse/car/baby/house/clothes/face. Maybe the Robin was confused, and simply mistook the feeder for one that appealed to him. Once the Robin made his descent on the hummingbird's lunch, he may have been embarrassed at his folly, and flew off apologetically for interrupting. Or maybe he knew full well what was going on on that feeder with the hummingbird, and out of jealousy he landed with a jolt. But surely once he landed, he realized that this was not what he had hoped for, and really never what he wanted at all. Really that presumptuous Robin should just learn to be happy with what he's got, and to be happy for those around him and the lucky things they have in their lives, like a giant feeder full of sugar water. Something incredibly fortunate for the hummingbird, and completely irrelevant for the Robin.
"It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got." and being happy for others who, from afar, supposedly have what you "want," I would add. Hummingbirds and Robins are both really pretty birds.


  1. I love it! Still a short story, but it even teaches a lesson.

  2. Really great, Samantha. For realsies.
